Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have specifically suffered throughout the pandemic. A survey by SIDBI revealed that the revenue of more than 50% of the MSMEs declined by 25% and that 67% of the MSMEs were shut for three months in FY21. This sector is a facet for entrepreneurship and employment which is why this decline in their progress negatively impacts the upward trend of India’s economy. 

Less than 6-10 Million out of over 60 Million MSMEs are able to get loans from formal credit institutions. Traditional banks prefer giving formal credits loans to those requiring a larger sum, for longer periods and those who have the ability to fulfil all requirements for the same, thus, MSMEs are at the end of the list when it comes to getting access to formal credit. Much like most businesses, MSMEs require loans for their daily working capital needs but they constantly face issues securing the same i.e., failure to satisfy the eligibility criteria required by the formal banks, not having adequate technological knowledge, non- existent or inadequate credit scores etc. They often cannot produce a collateral against their loans and usually do not have the proper documentation like the bank statements of previous months, residence proof, property documents etc. This is where cashless B2B digital lending facilitating platforms like Embifi could prove to be beneficial. Considering how most of these businesses are small scale businesses run by family members, speaking only local languages and unaware of the formalities and cumbersome processes, the B2B lending platforms would help with guiding them and providing the technological know- how and assisting in understanding and adapting to the credit analysis methodologies along with other formalities of the lending process.  

Given the unrestrained expansion of digital lending (mainly in the retail space) with some players flouting the lending norms, The Reserve Bank of India in its recent guidelines on digital lending laid down the requirements to ensure that the consumers’ interests are protected. It is to be noted that the B2B lending platforms strive to make the lending process easier and provide a faster way to loans and it will be much smoother as they would promptly adhere to the RBI guidelines. They understand the situation and circumstances of the MSMEs and help secure their financial needs which would in turn help grow their businesses. 

The MSME industry is looking forward to take advantage of the readily available services of the B2B loan facilitating platforms like Embifi and accomplish their working capital requirements to maintain liquidity. Digital lending provides for a way to keep the business running but they would also help the business to grow and help them navigate the constantly changing and dynamic economic environment.  

The taboo of taking out loans and constantly worrying about recurring repayments is a common mindset amongst small scale ambitious entrepreneurs however, the positive changes in the lending environment and adapting to the businesses’ ever- changing credit needs is pushing the business owners in the MSME industry to consider and make use of digital lending. 

Therefore, it becomes imperative to choose the right platform to assist the MSMEs with their credit needs. Embifi is an online B2B payments and lending platform, providing seamless checkout, financing, lending and payments options to businesses. Contact team Embifi and enjoy hassle-free credit/loan for all your business needs.


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